Word of the Year

Inspiration is a motivational powerhouse, and the driver behind selecting a word of the year.

After a blowout Christmas holiday of eat, drink, spend, and give merriment, let’s just say we’re doing the tighten up dance around here with a little Archie Bell and the Drells thrown in for fun.

word of the year

I’m embracing the new year with a clear 2020 vision for recognizing the areas of my life that could greatly benefit from a bit of improvement.

Resolutions tend to run their course about mid-February, so I go with a plan of action that I can easily meet and master.

Giving as much attention to cleaning up my mouth as I do cleaning up the house on a Monday morning is first up on the new and improved list.

Next up is working on being the kind of person to family, friends, neighbors, and strangers that you would want to go on a vacation with- the true litmus test of a person’s character, patience, and joy of life.


The word itself has a negative connotation to it, so, no.

Awareness of smart and sensible eating, food choices, and portion control is a more realistic goal.

This brings me to my word of the year share.

Choosing one word to guide, ground, and direct you over the next 365 days is the optimum daily, weekly, and monthly planner.

bliss weekly planner

Bliss Collections Weekly Planner

My word of the year is not the typical word one would associate with motivation, inspiration, and the like, however, it turns out it’s a word with a purposeful meaning.



\ ˈtīt \

: fitting very close to the body
: marked by unusual tension (as in the face or body)
: difficult to cope with
: relatively difficult to obtain
// money is tight just now

Several years ago after a traumatic financial turn of events in our normal (what the hell is normal?) self employed-go to work to pay bills and put food on the table-keep the lights on-doing all this to make a better life for our family part of life, we were left broke, broken, worried, scared to death, and frazzled to the core.

The how will we survive losing two businesses (one the bread & butter operation and the other the hobby turned luxury business) questions seemed to have no answers.

This was 2008 folks, and the residual angst remains with me to this day.  The economic downturn gripping the nation was beating the crap out of us, but I’ve never been one to find comfort in the it’s happening to some degree to everyone way of looking at things.

Sitting alone in the office staring down at numbers, balances, and bills, the word tight popped into my head.

Money was tight and getting tighter by the day.

I was feeding my feelings, so my clothes were tight.

Fear set in quickly, taking me from happy go lucky motormouth to dejected mute resulting in my throat growing closed and tight.

Tight certainly summed up the situation.

I picked up a pen and wrote the word tight vertically on a piece of scratch paper.


As I sat and stared at the word standing out among figures and fear, what came to me was a Mary Tyler Moore (you’re gonna make it after all) moment of clarity, courage, and comfort.

I picked up the pen and put the pieces of what seemed an unsolvable puzzle together.


HE did, and he does every single day.

The takeaway boils down to this:

I knew, and continue to know, the importance of listening to that little voice inside you.  More times than not it’s the true voice of reason.

Give yourself permission to take time for an alone moment to gather yourself and clear the noise life has a way of amplifying at times.

From designing, decorating and all the life changing decisions in-between, silence is golden, essential, and a hot commodity in the decision making process.

Not all closed doors open up again the way we think they should or want them to, but swing out in a whole new direction that over time and in HIS time pave the way to peace, promotion, provision, and understanding.

With 2020 vision, I realize how my personal relationship with God in prayer, word, love, work, thought, pen, and paper guides me through the good, the bad, the old, the new, the beautiful, the stylish, and the tight.

The creative process includes designing ourselves to be the very best we can be.

Grab 2020 by the new year with a word of the year that will make each day, week, and month the year of the very best you.

love your style


Welcome Personal Style Home

Gearing up to add a touch of fall to house and home, the creative process requires giving thought to the elements of design and decorating that will best welcome personal style home.

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

I look at each individual space in terms of framing a scene à la Hollywood set designer or director.

With a discerning eye, I evaluate what makes the cut.

welcome personal style home

Many of us derive our personal design and decorating choices from affecting colors, textures, patterns, scents, sounds, and ingredients we’ve impressively seen, felt, heard, smelled, and tasted.

If something leaves a lasting impression on you, one strong enough to influence your design and decorating choices, by all means bring it home!

The life lived within a home comes alive through personal style and taste, and there is nothing more chic than the home that beautifully demonstrates this.

Regardless of season or occasion, design and decorate with a sense of you in order to distinctly welcome personal style home.


Enlist the senses to aid in a frank assessment of what is working for you in the space and what is not.

Picture a tree and its branches.

The tree trunk represents your signature design style preference- the all things house that make a home foundation.

Branch from the “trunk” with transitional pieces.

Select a reference point for color, pattern, and/or texture and “branch” out from there.



If the date stamp on certain pieces has expired, purge these items from your decorating portfolio.

I catch myself attempting to justify keeping pieces long past their decorative prime because somewhere in time it appealed to me, and perhaps it may again strike my fancy.

No, Hattie Hoarder, it won’t.

Say goodbye to the stale, the outdated, and the expired in lieu of something or nothing (less is more sometimes) better suited in its place to welcome personal style home.


Our interior design, decorating, and home decor choices reflect our core design style preferences.

It’s these thoughtful and personal choices that resoundingly welcome personal style home.


The Art Of The Hang: Instructions For Hanging Art

I received an email suggesting a repost of The Art of the Hang: Instructions for Hanging Art may prove beneficial to new readers and decoristas taking spring updating to heart and wall alike.

In the spirit of seasonal updating, this new, improved and updated version is primed and ready to show and tell you Places In The Home instructions for hanging art.


It’s funny how movie titles stick in the impressionable side of my brain, becoming an exercise in conversion to interior design and decorating application.

Let me demonstrate for you how it’s done.

hang 'em high

Hang ‘Em High is a 1968 western starring Clint Eastwood.

It is not the standard instructions for hanging art and decorative accents.


House & Garden

In many cases and in many spaces, exceptions must be made to the general rule of design and decorating.

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”

― Pablo Picasso


Lewis Interiors

Balance, scale and proportion partnered with room size, ceiling height, and intention of dramatic effect become the relevant factors to consider when assessing placement of artwork.


Traditional Home


Traditional Home

Over my career as interior decorator, house to home flipper/stager, and antiques shopkeeper, I have hung my fair share of framed artwork, decorative antique plates, pediments, mirrors, ironwork, and sconces.


House & Garden

Some high, some higher and some at the highest point on a wall.


House Beautiful


Interior designer Rita Konig’s West London Flat

Not all spaces, walls, decorating styles, tastes, and intended results are created equal.

Thank goodness!



How boring it would be to exist in a cookie-cutter world of design and decorating.


Decorating Ideas ~  Trend Spotted: Marble Now

Many homes ago we were blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it with sixteen foot ceilings.

The traditional rule of picture hanging did not apply in this case, and decorative interpretation as well as adjustment blurred all standard lines and rules of placement.


Architectural Digest

I’ve come to believe the concept of the gallery wall was born out of tall ceilings and the decorative pursuit to avoid a void of space.

gallery-wallTraditional Home

Hanging the artwork and decorative accouterments at eye level didn’t flow  and would have been visually boring.

Not all eye levels are created equal.

The exception to the traditional rule applies here.



Back in the late Seventies, my parents attended a starving artist sale.

A buying spree of landscape, floral and architecture paintings ensued.

With  hammer and picture hanging kit in hand, no formal instructions for hanging art to guide, and two sets of eyes fixed for eyeballing measurements and placement, the marathon art hanging session commenced.

Aren’t you going to use a measuring tape?

Don’t need it.

Let me at least get you the yard stick.

No, we’ve got this.

Is it level?

Good enough.

I was fourteen at the time and even I knew this wasn’t the way to go.

macgyverDave the Builder is a MacGyver in the name of all things house that make a home.

In his apprenticeship years he mastered the skill of hanging pictures, mirrors, artwork, etc. in both a visually pleasing and design appropriate manner.

He brings his mathematical, architectural experience, and building talents to the table, and I bring a discerning eye and keen supervisory skills.

I’m good like that.

From years of hanging art in our homes, homes of clients, and at Hopefully Classic, we have mastered the art of the hang by following the instructions for hanging art.  

instructions for hanging art

Eye level varies from person to person, height to height.

If it doesn’t look right to you, raise or lower the artwork to accommodate.

After deciding the desired height to hang the picture, measure from the ceiling the distance to one hanger on one side of the picture.

Next, measure from the ceiling to the other side hanger to assure a level picture hanging.

If the frame has only one center hanger, measure the back of the picture from the center of the bottom of the frame to the center of the top of the frame.

Divide this number in half.

That is your center line.

Mark spot(s) on the wall with a pencil.

Pull the picture wire tightly upward as if  hanging on the hook.

Measure the distance from the center line to the top point of the wire.

Add this distance to the eye level line measurement ( your pencil mark or marks on the wall).

This is where you put the picture hook.

Two hooks placed 2 inches apart seems to work best for smaller pieces.

If the piece is larger, it is better to use two hooks spaced 8 inches from each side.


Charleston Magazine

Interior design and decorating is a process.

Placing  furniture and deciding on what will be the focal point of the room begins the process.

With decisions reached and furniture placed, I step back and view the walls as the canvas of the room.

It might be that one stellar piece of artwork or favorite painting sufficiently carries the room.


Victoria Magazine

Gallery groupings of different sizes and subjects work to capture the wow effect, deviate from the expected, and create what I call a decorating oxymoron- the off balance balance.

When arranging a grouping of artwork and before hanging, I like to layout the pieces on the floor in front of the wall they will be hung on.

This allows you to get a visual read on the balance and proportion of the layout, and to fine-tune the arrangement.

It also helps to eliminate or at least cut down on putting holes in the wall.

Trick of the Trade Tip:

Plain white toothpaste is as a great alternative to caulk.  Squeeze the toothpaste into the hole and wipe off the excess.  

Use a spirit or laser level to ensure artwork is level.

No level, no problem.

I find the best measure is ultimately trusting your eye.


One Kings Lane ~ Photo by Ellen McDermott

Hanging artwork above a fireplace mantel offers the opportunity to layer artwork pieces.

When hanging artwork over a fireplace, aim to leave as little space as possible between the bottom of the art piece and the mantle unless another item will be placed under artwork or decorative accessory.


Architectural Digest


San Francisco Proper ~ Designer Kelly Wearstler   

Hanging artwork and decorative pieces within the panel area of a wall frame molding design element adds dimension to the space.

Patricia_Altschul_07Architectural Digest

Entertain and embrace a different-out of the ordinary-unexpected way of decorating.

This is rule number one to consider in the art of creating a visual focal point.


The lower the placement the better in most cases.

The frame should give the illusion it is connected to the piece it is hanging above.



Hanging artwork 6 to 8 inches above furniture supports sufficient headroom allowance.


Apartment Therapy

Consider hanging a grouping in a bedroom lower than standing eye level.

The result can surprisingly produce the focal point of the space.


Little House of Four

Better Homes & Gardens

The art to hanging artwork, framed treasures, mirrors, architectural pieces and the like is in the scale, placement and arrangement that best suits the space and optimally showcases your personal style.

Love your style!




The Heart of the Matter

When I first started Places In The Home, getting down to the heart of the matter consisted of learning the nuts and bolts of the blogging format.

People in the blogging know offered guidance and advice regarding good visual content, SEO, menus, sidebar content and the like.

Some of the advice I implemented, and some I filed under advisement.

One suggested aspect of the personal side of the above the fold offerings was to share with the readers a vivid account of your life story.

The About Me page basically tells the Places In The Home story, so the suggested getting into the weeds My Story page is a page I have not added to the navigational menu, and probably never will.


Places In The Home is a design and decorating show and tell for the all things house that make a home enthusiast.

The principal players at Places In The Home (that would be me & Dave the Builder) are designed for building and making and designing and decorating and fixing things and antiques and cooking and then showing and telling you all about it.

Throw in a backstory or two about our son aka the Canadian snowbird, family traditions and celebrations, travel, and Louisiana lagniappe.

We are not an overly complicated bunch.

Part of our story now includes why radio silence fell across the Places In The Home blog and social media platforms last week.

Due to an unexpected and serious situation last Tuesday morning, one member of the Places In The Home team landed in the emergency room as the patient with the other member of the home team reporting for prayer warrior, supporter, coordinator and caregiver-in-chief duty.

One ambulance ride, ER admit, monitors galore, three night hospital stay, premier cardiologist, stellar nursing staff, electrical cardioversion, out with old, in with new medicines and scheduled stress test later we are home.

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.”

– Sakyong Mipham

There is a time and place for everything.




Sitting in the hospital frightened, yet vigilant in faith and prayer, puts all things house that make a home into perspective.





It was not the place nor the time to whip out the device of choice and snap a pic or pop off a post.

Thank you for understanding the heart of the matter.


God’s guidance and mercy lights the path to strength in trying times.

To God be the glory, great things He hath done!



Stylish Black Interiors

That old black magic has me in its stylish black interiors spell.

Leave it to the vocal stylings of Louis Prima and Keely Smith on “That Old Black Magic” and the ever classic Blackglama campaigns to give me a Halloween appropriate idea for this post.

piano My Domaine

In regards to interior design and decorating elements, I often borrow from the genius of Blackglama and the question that rhetorically asks, “What Becomes a Legend Most?”

Stylish black interiors definitively ask and answer the question, what becomes a classic most?

Stylish Black Interiors

The Design Daredevil

The color black instantly adds an air of drama to the space.

Depth and tone mesmerize and entice the eye.



Drama comes home in a most elegant way.


An impressive aesthetic opens the door to details of spellbinding proportions.


160420_mcalpineoffice_egd_256Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles


Stylish black interiors make an unequivocal statement of distinction.

Love your style!

A Most Fetching Friday: Blooming with Beauty

Today’s A Most Fetching Friday is features images blooming with beauty, style and inspiration.  I don’t believe anyone would fault us for stepping back if for only a brief moment to admire objects of beauty, n’est-ce pas?




The Berry


Inside a Picture-Perfect Summer Garden Party in Charleston perfectly styled by Tara Guérard for One Kings Lane.


Jill Sorensen 


Suzanne Kasler 

Halvorson Farmhouse, front porch cover try

A summer scene from Southern Living- the magazine and the way of life.


Elle Decor


Lauren Conrad on Pinterest

Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others. Philippians 4:8


A Most Fetching Friday: Design Details

Today’s fetching Friday focuses on design details and the it’s all in the details beauty that enthralls, captivates, and delights the eye.




Stunning images such as this classic example of French Louisiana architecture from architect Ken Tate with interiors designed by Ann Holden of Holden and Dupuy Interiors affirm my love of traditional design and decor features steeped in southern charm.

lantern-in-foyerDering Hall


Jenny Wolf Interiors

Monogram_2Monograms and Antique Linens ~ Victoria Magazine

outdoor-settingVogue Living

Beauty on point captured by dancer Kyle Froman as featured in Harper’s BAZAAR.


gold-giltGold Gilt on Pinterest

Have a lovely weekend.

Love your style!

A Most Fetching Friday




adjective: fetching


synonyms: attractive, appealing, sweet, pretty, good-looking, lovely, delightful, charming, prepossessing, captivating, enchanting, irresistible

I thought I would bring back my A Most Fetching Friday series for the spring and summer season.  Today’s spring and summer fetching Friday kicks off the series with a collection of images drenched in color and seasonal decorating inspiration.

she-shed-garden-decoratingCountry Living

iced-teaSouthern Living

54c1c92c4f6f3_-_ed-peterson-4-xln-xlnELLE DECOR


Lucille-BallHarper’s BAZAAR


Banana_Leaf_Wallpaper_in_Green_and_Pink_design_by_York_Wallcoverings_aa448458-675c-428d-ad2a-0baa567e685a_2048x2048Burke Decor


Have a wonderful weekend!
