Central Louisiana Mardi Gras Mambo

Welcome to our Mardi Gras ~ Bienvenue à notre Mardi Gras!

Mardi Gras is all around Louisiana and our sister states, but this invitation is to a Central Louisiana Mardi Gras Mambo Places In The Home style.

Mardi Gras

Festivities to beat the jazz band fill Central Louisiana afternoons, evenings and weekends with something Mardi Gras to do.

mardi-gras-beadsKrewe parades roll uptown, downtown, and all along the Red River replete with throws of colored beads and doubloons, go- cups (we do love a geaux-cup), and trinkets raining down to revelers below satisfying the traditional Carnival call of “Throw me something, Mister!”


Alexa Pulitzer

What’s a go-cup (that’s geaux cup in Louisiana speak) you may ask?

Not to-go cup.



a cup used to hold any beverage that one may take with them while they are out and about.

Louisiana is a festival-celebration-events driven state.   Celebrating is in our DNA.  Humidity is always in the air, ergo the need for liquid refreshment.  When out and about you can guarantee (ga-ron-tee as Justin Wilson said) it is with beverage of choice in hand.


Throw me something, Mister!

Mardi Gras in Central Louisiana emphasizes the spirit of family, friend and neighbor.


We eat, drink, decorate, dance, promenade, stroll and second line on Garden District streets of brick during the Carnival season.

This is our taste of Mardi Gras world from the Twelfth Night (feast of Epiphany) to Fat Tuesday- a living it up in Central Louisiana c’est si bon celebration.


Gray skies never rain on our parade.

We know how to adapt and simply take the party indoors.


Decorating for Mardi Gras gives me an opportunity to put my French themed decor accessories and accents on Mardi Gras parade.


The purple, green and gold colors and oval design of a traditional King Cake serves up dining table centerpiece idea.



Centerpiece inspiration is everywhere, and the colors and design of the King Cake is as good a muse as any.


Taking inventory of items around the house and those plucked from a fantastic end-of-season clearance sale last year, I spied my Sportsman’s Paradise-Gulf of Mexico-coastal collection of shells, figurines and the like.

Winter is making me blue, so any and all opportunities to inject a bit of spring into my step and/or decor are welcome.  Shells and pelicans equal spring into summer perfect.


This gold pelican figurine is 39 years old- a nugget souvenir from our college days at LSU.

The shell is an oldie but a lovely as well.


The curated side of my brain and the decorating side of my brain merged to come up with a fabulous pairing.

There’s a baby in a King Cake, and there’s a Louisiana pelican in this shell of a Carnival inspired candy dish.


Our days of letting the good times roll in New Orleans ceased in favor of the local lagniappe Central Louisiana offers.

These days, home is where the Mardi Gras celebration is.

love your style


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