The Switch Is On: Decorating Ideas

Inspiration is the  framework of decorating ideas.

decorating ideas

We all glean “eye”deas from home decor and home furnishings seen on blogs, websites, in stores, showrooms and shelter magazines.

Isn’t that the idea?

Some of the ideas work and some don’t, but try we do.

Beauty and style only fail when inspiration ceases to exist.

Portfolio 5" x 5" Brown Chandelier Lamp Shade

Determination is a powerful force.

What does determination have to do with a chandelier shade you may wonder?

Simple math.

$5.97 each  X 12 shades = $71.64.

That’s $71.64

I could have put toward the cost of a new chandelier and did not, so you can bet I’m gonna make these work.

I’m wired like that.

French crystal chandelier

With the intent of introducing a French modern decor to the dining room, it makes total sense to move the crystal chandelier to the dining room and the Williamsburg to the foyer.

Let’s project!

chandelier installation

The Williamsburg chandelier is a lovely fixture, but my thinking has been it is in need of decorative lagniappe beyond the chandelier shades.

Remember my idea for converting craft finials into chandelier drops?

I will still be doing that for an all wood English chandelier, but once the Williamsburg found its new home in the foyer all was, and is, decoratively well.

foyer chandelier

The shade is not crooked, the angle of the shot was just right for this unwanted effect.

I do want to call your attention to the blue lining of the chandelier shades in the bottom left image in the collage above.

At night when the light fixture is turned on the color is so rich and the cast from the brown exterior and blue lining combination is phe-nom-e-nal!

We measured the height of the fixture pre-install for clearance assurance.

There are times when unforeseen issues arise.

Dave the Builder & Son informed me due to wiring safety and placement consideration the height would come in over the initial projected measurement.

There goes my idea for modifying the center ring with a finial.

Too many family members blessed with height guarantees an unfortunate introduction to the low hanging finial.



Project on!

light fixture removal

Onward and upward we go with a wiring modification, a coat of fresh ceiling paint and  install of the crystal chandelier in the dining room.

Stay tuned.


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