October is an eventful month at the Places In The Home corral however, the corral is anything but ok these days when it comes to the business of all things house that make a home. Let me ‘splain. In the grand scheme of blogging things, one (me) simply can’t get the job done, posts written and images photoshopped unless the desktop computer and monitor work, and work they don’t. This recent development is not my idea of frighteningly fun Halloween happenings, and trying to undo this sinister snafu without losing my mind and my religion is the trick.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Although working on the notebook computer is no treat, the trick is to drink apply the principle of adjustment. Adjusting is the theme of this week. Our city government announced this morning that local trick-or-treating will now take place on Friday evening. The forecast is shaping up to be an ugly event making Halloween trick-or-treating on Saturday a washout. Our Halloween celebration is still on, but with an adjustment or two of its own. Call it a trick-or tweaking.
No rain event will poison the party atmosphere at our Halloween at Places In The Home party.
The welcome mat is out, the pumpkin is marked for carving, and in the words of Tom Bodett we’ll leave the light on for the trick-or-treaters.
Blame the madness on the Great Halloween Computer Crash, Charlie Brown!
I’ll redefine the term steaks are on the grill via a cast iron skillet on the stove, a liberal pat of butter, haunted house seasoning and a low and slow approach. The food and drink will flow, and the Let’s Halloween playlist will rock the castle.
The Keep of Portchester Castle, Hampshire, United Kingdom
For those of you who Halloween, have a safe and wickedly wonderful time. For those of you who do not Halloween, have a safe and wonderful weekend.