The Not So Pretty Hurricane Laura

Hurricane Laura lived up to her pre-storm warnings and then some.

No matter the type of storm or danger forecast for your part of the world, it is crucial to heed the warnings.


You can’t believe how loud and how terrifying the winds and squalls of a hurricane are when they get to going.

My teeth chattered in fear, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

Questions asked and answered swirled in the wind and in my mind.


Would the tree in the front yard fall on the roof and seriously injure or kill one of us?

Thank God it stood.

What would our area and Louisiana look like in the light of day after this furious and ferocious witch cast her destructive spell?



Where would we shelter Covid-19 safe if we lost the roof?

If we were hit bad I knew family, friends, and neighbors would be as well.

My sweet hour of prayer stretched into hours of prayers for the safety of all involved and affected both during and after the storm.

We lost power Thursday at 4:07 am CST.

Central Louisiana has never experienced a city wide-parish wide total power outage.

Dave the Builder took post storm shelter in the car with the A/C on arctic blast.

Cold washcloths placed on my face dried out in less than an hour. I went through three spray bottles of rose water trying to keep cool.

Six days later when power was restored I cried tears of joy.  I cried even harder when it went back down again for several hours.

Dave the Builder cried when telling me about the linemen and utility workers sitting under trees in our neighborhood eating their lunch and sweating bullets.

There’s hundreds of workers and crews here from all over the United States working tirelessly to restore power.

Dave just told me there’s five bucket trucks from Florida Power & Light working one street over from us.


The combination of still air, boiling heat, and oppressive humidity deals a hellish hand to all.

May God bless and keep them all safe.


Phone (landline and cellular), cable, and internet is spotty if working at all.

Many residents, residences, and businesses depend on these services in their daily business operations and especially in emergency situations.

In fact, many service organizations, financial institutions, restaurants, etc… strictly handle operations, payment, and orders online.


First day of no power what was cold in the refrigerator was cold, and what was in the freezer was nice and frozen.

Fourth day in the defrosting began.

refrigerator freezer defrosting

On the sixth day of no power my true love gave to me,
A helping hand and a Hefty.

Bagged up and to the street it went.


The restocking of fridge and freezer to full capacity is a work in progress.


City wide boil advisories until further notice means when ice drops it goes.

Locating food is not as difficult as locating ice.

I called the local Super 1 Foods to inquire if the commercial ice machines were producing ice.

Unbeknownst to me, Super 1 Foods (Brookshire’s) was giving out boxes of free ice on a first come, first served basis.

It is a wonderful thing to see firsthand the coming together of corporations, local businesses, churches, agencies, politicians, schools, athletic teams, and simply good citizens to help, aid, and assist the many in need.

Don’t buy into the nonsense and the narrative some broadcast as truth.

Great people with good hearts are the majority.

clean freezer

My brother lives roughly ten miles west of us.

His property got the flip knocked out of it.

LB damage

He and several neighbors immediately jumped into action rounding up his horses and dealing with downed power lines, poles, and timber.

LB downed utility poles

On the left in the image below is my brother’s Black Lab Sadie taking her daily dip in the pool the day before Hurricane Laura hit.

On the right is Sadie doing laps in the pool on the afternoon after Hurricane Laura left her mark that morning.

What a difference a day, a hurricane, and a generous amount of chlorine makes.


Our nephew and his wife sent an Amazon care package filled with battery operated fans, batteries, car phone chargers, granola bars, sports drinks and assorted snacks.

Clothes and towels continue to pile up due to the extremely low water pressure and please don’t do laundry if at all possible pleas from City officials.

Tide’s Loads of Hope will be in our area tomorrow morning.

We’re going to have some good clean fun!

Dave the Builder and I both look a sight.

My brother came by today, and when I opened the front door to let him in I warned him at present ugly lives here.

Hurricane Laura

Debris removal at Places In The Home is complete, and the new fence to replace the one blown down by the winds of Hurricane Laura will be installed next week.

Louisiana strong coffee and people

Community Coffee

I’m slowly coming back online, and will be back fully operational with a fall is in the air (better than a hurricane!) post to get us all in the mood for better days.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Love y’all!
