Welcome Personal Style Home

Gearing up to add a touch of fall to house and home, the creative process requires giving thought to the elements of design and decorating that will best welcome personal style home.

Elizabeth Drake

Elizabeth Drake

I look at each individual space in terms of framing a scene à la Hollywood set designer or director.

With a discerning eye, I evaluate what makes the cut.

welcome personal style home

Many of us derive our personal design and decorating choices from affecting colors, textures, patterns, scents, sounds, and ingredients we’ve impressively seen, felt, heard, smelled, and tasted.

If something leaves a lasting impression on you, one strong enough to influence your design and decorating choices, by all means bring it home!

The life lived within a home comes alive through personal style and taste, and there is nothing more chic than the home that beautifully demonstrates this.

Regardless of season or occasion, design and decorate with a sense of you in order to distinctly welcome personal style home.


Enlist the senses to aid in a frank assessment of what is working for you in the space and what is not.

Picture a tree and its branches.

The tree trunk represents your signature design style preference- the all things house that make a home foundation.

Branch from the “trunk” with transitional pieces.

Select a reference point for color, pattern, and/or texture and “branch” out from there.



If the date stamp on certain pieces has expired, purge these items from your decorating portfolio.

I catch myself attempting to justify keeping pieces long past their decorative prime because somewhere in time it appealed to me, and perhaps it may again strike my fancy.

No, Hattie Hoarder, it won’t.

Say goodbye to the stale, the outdated, and the expired in lieu of something or nothing (less is more sometimes) better suited in its place to welcome personal style home.


Our interior design, decorating, and home decor choices reflect our core design style preferences.

It’s these thoughtful and personal choices that resoundingly welcome personal style home.


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