Scents Of The Holiday Season

One of the things I love about this time of year is the scents of the holiday season.

Walking into a home that smells like Christmas is just so holiday.

Oranges adorned with whole cloves, hot cinnamon cider, and fresh pine garlands- the scents of the holiday season aroma therapy is a priceless treat.

It is difficult for your thoughts not to go directly to the heart of the holidays as you experience the scents of the season.

From aromatic wreaths and centerpieces to hand and dish soaps, the scents of the holiday season are everywhere.

Traditional Home

Pomegranate, mandarin orange, pine, cloves and cinnamon comes together in one aromatic wonder.

Better Homes and Gardens

The fresh fragrance of rosemary will fill your kitchen with herb goodness and offer a unique holiday decoration.

Country Living

It’s not only the holiday season but the cold and flu season as well.

Keep the germs at bay with one of the favorite scents of the season, peppermint.

Piedmont Candy

Country Living

The quintessential scent of Christmas has to be the smell of fresh cut pine.

ScentSicles green scented ornaments come with decorative caps and hooks to easily hang in your tree or blend into wreaths and garland.


Fill your gingerbread house with the scent of homemade gingerbread with the Homemade Gingerbread Fresh Farm Collection Candle from A Cheerful Giver. 

Martha Stewart

It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas, especially when this hot spiced tea made from Tang is being made.

I found this great vintage picture and recipe at Recipe Curio.

My mother considers this recipe a gift from the culinary gods and a holiday must have.

Sheldon Cooper Christmastime is quick to offer everyone (and I do mean everyone) who graces our doorstep a hot cup of spiced tea prepared from this exact recipe.

It tastes and smells so Christmas good!

Hot Spiced Tea from TANG


1 1/3 cups TANG

½ cup sugar

½ cup instant tea*

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ teaspoon cloves


Combine ingredients and store in tightly covered jar.

Makes approximately 24 servings.

FOR 1 SERVING–Place 1 well-rounded teaspoon of mix in a cup, fill with boiling water and stir until dissolved.

FOR 1 QUART–Dissolve 1/2 cup mix in 1 quart of boiling water in a teapot or heat-resistant pitcher.

*Or use lemon-flavored unsweetened or sugar-sweetened instant tea.


What’s your favorite scents of the holiday season?

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