Peaceful Diversion: Pretty Pictures and Photos

The saying  “Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans”  hit home last week for me and Dave the Builder.  We went from peaceful, easy Sunday to Dave being taken into emergency surgery Monday morning.  All three of the doctors on the case used the word stat, and that is a word that will get your attention real fast.

I’ll take our everyday, boring to most, uneventful life over curveballs and beyond your control situations any day.

Staying strong in faith, in prayer, and in positive attitude is our game plan.

The positive attitude part took a direct hit when our veterinarian called with the sad news that Sir Kitty had taken a turn for the worse, and the end was near for our beloved twelve year old cat.

It was a witch of a week to say the least.

Getting lost in the pretty pictures and photos from social networking sites and shelter magazines is a gorgeous source of peaceful diversion and blog post inspiration.

Posting plays a large role in my normal routine, and at the moment normal and routine is essential.  The situation of late may not be pretty, but these  pictures and photos sure are.


Claude Monet Gardens – Photo: Francis Hammond – Architectural Digest



Irises By Claude MonetIrises By Claude Monet

Alaska Range at Polychrome OverlookAlaska Range at Polychrome Overlook


Leta Austin Foster & Associates

European Hare print

Natural Study European Hare Print


Mulberry Plantation – Architectural Digest

pretty pictures and photos


Brunschwig & Fils

House & Garden


Denise Taylor-Getty Images-House Beautiful

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and I’ll be back with you all next week.

love your style

A Most Fetching Friday: Royal Inspiration

Today’s A Most Fetching Friday takes its royal inspiration straight from today’s headlines.  In case you haven’t heard, there is a wedding of royal inspiration taking place Saturday in England at St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle.  The  4:00 a.m. CST nuptial festivities ring round awfully early therefore I am reveling in the pre wedding majesty.  Pomp and circumstance, royal etiquette, morning coats and fascinator fascination- the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is in line to become a fetching affair to remember.  On this side of the pond, royal inspiration comes in all styles, shapes, streets and strengths.











Royal Inspiration

Royal Icing

100 Years Of Royal Albert 1960 Golden Rose 3-Piece Place Setting

100 Years Of Royal Albert 1960 Golden Rose 3-Piece Place Setting


Royal Street New Orleans


Royal Blue


Crown Royal


Royal Crown Cola

Kansas City Royals

Kansas City Royals


Royal Beauty Slate   ||   Crown Top Coral Reef    ||  Olde Francais Crown      Buckingham House Graphite


Royal Promenade in Lapis ~ Buckingham Wallpaper  by Designers Guild

I hope you  have a most fetching Friday and a wonderful weekend filled with royal inspiration.

love your style