Bandwagons can get awfully crowded. I proceed with caution before jumping on most bandwagons, carefully picking and choosing the ones to get on board with.
Some would categorize Pinterest as bandwagon central. If Pinterest is a bandwagon, then I say giddy-up!
Pinterest is the ultimate virtual photo album, an all-in-one place where you can find everything from free fonts to fondue recipes to fabulous home trends. I use it as a visual catalog look book and client presentation tool as well as a vehicle for gleaning ideas from other decoristas.
Beauty is in the pin of the beholder.
Kenton Overland Circus Band Wagon
Fascinated by the power of the trend and the role that pinning it plays in the spread of its popularity, Pinterest reminds me of the Fabergé Organics shampoo ad campaign with the and they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on line.
Overdoing leads to fading fads and diminished trends.
Take the Mason jar.
Let the record show I love these jars, but fully understand the too much of a good thing point.
Now is the time has come for a keyboard confessional.
Painted everything is the please put down the paint brush and step away from the whatever piece one is painting trend I love to hate.
There, I typed it, and no, it is no mistake I’m emphasizing the word everything.
Pinterest is peppered with painted everything projects- some gorgeous and some not so gorgeous. As far as calling out the not so gorgeous, I believe it is best to apply the Thumperian principle to mouth and keyboard.
If you can’t say, type, post or link something nice,
don’t say, type post or link anything at all.
Admittedly, a well applied coat of paint on an inexpensive piece of junk mass produced furniture that isn’t all that to begin with in the first place can’t hurt the look.
Even better is an applied coat of paint in a designer color(s) on a home furnishing with good bone structure can render a piece thoroughly modern magnificent.
Feast your eyes upon this stunning French Provincial dresser finished in a French blue color by Cindy at Edith & Evelyn.
Do I think the painted everything is on the way out? Pinterest popularity suggests the answer is no.
Is painted everything a Pinterest home trend that is here to stay, or one with an expiration date marked sooner than later?
Time and trend will tell.