Today’s A Most Fetching Friday takes its royal inspiration straight from today’s headlines. In case you haven’t heard, there is a wedding of royal inspiration taking place Saturday in England at St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle. The 4:00 a.m. CST nuptial festivities ring round awfully early therefore I am reveling in the pre wedding majesty. Pomp and circumstance, royal etiquette, morning coats and fascinator fascination- the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is in line to become a fetching affair to remember. On this side of the pond, royal inspiration comes in all styles, shapes, streets and strengths.
100 Years Of Royal Albert 1960 Golden Rose 3-Piece Place Setting
Royal Blue
Royal Crown Cola
Kansas City Royals
Royal Beauty Slate || Crown Top Coral Reef || Olde Francais Crown Buckingham House Graphite
Royal Promenade in Lapis ~ Buckingham Wallpaper by Designers Guild
I hope you have a most fetching Friday and a wonderful weekend filled with royal inspiration.