Enlightening Articles-Tips-Snippets of Information

Tom Petty knows exactly what he’s talking about when he sings the waiting is the hardest part.  Waiting, especially in a hospital situation, requires a vast amount of patience and a variety of good reading material. I’m what you would call a student of the old school- a scholar of if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it studies.  In other words, I decided to read a print magazine instead of pulling up a digital edition on my tablet.  I spied a couple of shelter magazines of house and home interest in the rack – some with current cover dates, and some not so current.  Enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information beneficial to all things house that make a home will always make for a good read, regardless of cover date.  I look at it as an interior design, decorating, home decor accessories, antiques and how to score the best of the best refresher course.

Articles-Tips-Snippets of Information

The first article of interest gave the reader tips for successful flea market, garage and estate sale shopping.  Everyone has their own way of treasure hunting, but there is a proven core strategy.  In the world of antique auctions, flea markets and estate sales, the preview is the time to get your deals and steals game on.  Dave the Builder and I split up; a divide and conquer technique that works for us.

Pop-up_flea-market,_ParisPop-up Flea Market ~ Paris

I keep a notebook and pen in hand for taking notes from everything to lot number to condition to dealer location to asking price to this is my absolute bottom bottom line price offer, bid etc…

Dave takes close up pictures with his cellphone of the pieces he is interested in to further examine for imperfections before bidding begins. The deal can be found in the imperfection only if you can do the repair, refinish or reupholster yourself or hire out for little out of pocket money.

antique-linen-pressGallery Auctions

Auction houses stack items tight and tall in dark spaces and corners to utilize floor space.  A crowded house or stacked to the walls booth translates to scores of salable merchandise.  For this reason we bring his and hers flashlights so we don’t overlook a fracture or fine-line crack.

Brooklyn Flea Market

Brooklyn Flea  Fort Greene  ~  Pinterest

Dealers at flea markets, estate and garage sales begin to discount unsold items later in the sale which can work to a buyer’s advantage.  Larger ticket items can be worth the risk of playing the waiting game.  I’ve scored several pieces for a steal, and missed out on some too.  It’s strictly depends on the item and nerves of “steal”.

It’s basically an in the moment call.


Now let me share with you another enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information gem stemming from the magazine article my mother read while keeping me company in the hospital waiting room.  Our recent coffee talk conversation went a little something like this:

My mother:  “Sister, what is WTF?”

Me:  “An acronym for Where’s the Food.”


It took me about three seconds to realize I’d better tell her what WTF really means.  Leaving her in the dark depths of millennial slang, risking her repeating to her beauty shop cohorts and the ladies that lunch loyal what she thinks is simply a hip colloquial term would be irresponsible on my part.  Funny, but irresponsible.

Me: “Mother, WTF is slang for What the F***.”

I was curious why she wanted to know what WTF means, so I did what any respectable curious and/or noisy person does.  I asked.

Me: “Mother, why do you want to know what WTF means?”

My mother:  “When Dave was in the hospital and we were in the waiting room, I was reading in a magazine (she can’t remember the name of the magazine, but she can remember WTF) a story about a woman catching her tweenage daughter texting WTF.  The woman asked her daughter what WTF means.  “With the Family,” replied the fast thinking tween.

Paris, FrancePinterest

Fast forward several months to when the woman, a newbie to Facebook and the speak, slang, and acronyms of social media, posted an update from their family vacation to Paris.  Surprised by the amount of likes her post received, she shared the development with her tween daughter.  The daughter asked the mom what she was posting vis-à-vis the vacation. “In Paris WTF.”

Me:  Well, now you know.

We’re headed back to the hospital next week for more tests, more waiting, more reading.  I think I’ll bring a few of the shelter magazines from my 2017 stack to donate to the cardiac unit waiting room reading material collection.  A good read passes the time, enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information are always appreciated, and a good laugh lightens the mood.  As they say, laughter often is the best medicine.

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Show & Tell

Big Flavor for a Small Supper: Ranch Quick Bread

The hotter it gets in the dog days of summer, the less time spent in the kitchen cooking and baking the better.

Yes, I know we live in the modern age of central air, but the excuse of it’s too hot to cook gets me out of many a late summer what’s for dinner dilemma.

That’s where this recipe for Ranch Quick Bread comes in.

This easy to mix, quick to fix, and deliciously filling Ranch Quick Bread recipe hits the spot with big flavor for a small supper.

ranch quick bread

Ranch Quick Bread


3 cups all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 package dry Ranch seasoning mix- 1 ounce size

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon black pepper

2 large eggs

1 cup buttermilk**

½ stick unsalted butter, melted

1 cup cottage cheese


Preheat oven to 350°F.  Spray a 9×5-inch loaf pan with cooking spray.

Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, onion powder, garlic powder and pepper in a large mixing bowl.  Set aside.


Whisk the eggs, buttermilk, and melted butter in a medium bowl until combined.

** How to Make Homemade Buttermilk:

Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar to 1 cup milk.  Let stand at room temperature 5 to 10 minutes.


Add the cottage cheese and stir to combine.


Pour mixture into the flour mixture.


Gently fold ingredients together until the flour is incorporated.


Spoon batter into loaf pan.  Bake 50 minutes until golden brown or until knife inserted into the center of the bread comes out clean.

bread-doughAllow bread to cool in loaf pan for 10-15 minutes.


Transfer bread from pan to bread board or wire rack or serving tray. Allow bread to cool for 15 minutes before slicing and serving.


Wrap any leftover bread in waxed paper and store in airtight container.  I added fresh rosemary sprigs to canister for good seasoning measure.


Show & Tell

The Heart of the Matter

When I first started Places In The Home, getting down to the heart of the matter consisted of learning the nuts and bolts of the blogging format.

People in the blogging know offered guidance and advice regarding good visual content, SEO, menus, sidebar content and the like.

Some of the advice I implemented, and some I filed under advisement.

One suggested aspect of the personal side of the above the fold offerings was to share with the readers a vivid account of your life story.

The About Me page basically tells the Places In The Home story, so the suggested getting into the weeds My Story page is a page I have not added to the navigational menu, and probably never will.


Places In The Home is a design and decorating show and tell for the all things house that make a home enthusiast.

The principal players at Places In The Home (that would be me & Dave the Builder) are designed for building and making and designing and decorating and fixing things and antiques and cooking and then showing and telling you all about it.

Throw in a backstory or two about our son aka the Canadian snowbird, family traditions and celebrations, travel, and Louisiana lagniappe.

We are not an overly complicated bunch.

Part of our story now includes why radio silence fell across the Places In The Home blog and social media platforms last week.

Due to an unexpected and serious situation last Tuesday morning, one member of the Places In The Home team landed in the emergency room as the patient with the other member of the home team reporting for prayer warrior, supporter, coordinator and caregiver-in-chief duty.

One ambulance ride, ER admit, monitors galore, three night hospital stay, premier cardiologist, stellar nursing staff, electrical cardioversion, out with old, in with new medicines and scheduled stress test later we are home.

“The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness.”

– Sakyong Mipham

There is a time and place for everything.




Sitting in the hospital frightened, yet vigilant in faith and prayer, puts all things house that make a home into perspective.





It was not the place nor the time to whip out the device of choice and snap a pic or pop off a post.

Thank you for understanding the heart of the matter.


God’s guidance and mercy lights the path to strength in trying times.

To God be the glory, great things He hath done!



Show & Tell

Vacation Observations and Treasures Show and Tell

As promised, here is part two of what I did on my summer statecation otherwise titled Vacation Observations and Treasures Show and Tell.

My blogging routine is suffering from a case of the I’m ready for summer to be over and fall to get here slowdown blues.

Taking time to hunt and gather images, ideas and inspiring notes of design and decorating interest for fall and home for the holidays sharing benefits both author and reader.

It’s gonna be good!

Summer whispers into the ear of the normal day-to-day routine let’s blow this gig.

You’ve got places to go, people to see, ideas to develop.

 Summer didn’t have to tell me twice it was time to book a five day statecation to the Shreveport/Bossier City area.  

Antiquing and vintage shopping is a big part of the vacation equation, and traveling by car makes it super easy to load that baby up with finds, treasures and home goods.  

My must shop list includes Dillard’s, Belk, Marshalls and T.J. Maxx.  

For good while we’re here measure I threw in a let’s stop by the new Whole Foods Market Shreveport.

Try, try as I may to figure out what the whole Whole Foods hullabaloo is all about, I don’t get it.

Take it away, Josh Baskin.

Perusing the East 70th Street retail and restaurant offerings, I noticed a peppering of construction crews and roll offs.

Curiosity leads inquiring minds to need to know info.

Look what’s coming to Shreveport.



la-madeleineShreveport has hit the all things house that make a home jackpot.

I am decorating and dining happy.

Happy to


and beyond!

I do love a good game of wordplay.

architectural-detailsOur Home away from Home- Horseshoe Bossier City

One up way too early for a vacation day coffee call served up one what do you want to do today round table discussion.

Antiquing it is.

Wifi connected us to six shops of interest and roads to follow.


Treasures Show and Tell Observation #1

Change is the only constant in today’s antiques marketplace.

When Dave and I were actively “in the biz,” the proprietor of the antique mall we were in required dealer inventory consist of at least 80% antiques with an allowance for 20% vintage collectibles.

An antique by law is an item at least 100 years old.  Vintage collectible refers to an item at least 50 years old.

We advertised as an antiques shop, and the inventory reflected that.

Assuming (you know what they say about assuming) all antique shops adhere to the same truth in advertising rule, when the sign says antiques I brake for antiques.

On the other hand, if a shop’s name has the word or words curiosity, vintage, thrift, trading, collectibles, junque or consignment in it I know what’s in store.

Out of the six antiques shops visited, only three fit the bill.

Two featured vintage finds and curiosities, and one is nothing more but a shadow of its former antique mall glory.

ironstoneTreasures Show and Tell  Observation #2

It dawned on me after viewing booth after booth of painted pieces that I have an issue with the trend that in my opinion has stayed too long at the party.

It’s a disgrace when an item is touted as an authentic painted piece picked and plucked from an old farmhouse, feed, hardware or general store when in truth it is fresh off the chalk paint, font and Pinterest bandwagon.


Many an unsuspecting and trusting customer gets duped by this practice, and I think it is absolutely shameful.

Buyer beware.


Good advice and odd artwork caught my attention.

Treasures Show and Tell


Dave the Builder, always clever in his delivery, exclaimed for sale as in fore sale! upon the sighting of this Louis Vuitton golf bag.


Treasures Show and Tell Observation #3

I’m kicking myself for not buy this St Francis garden statue.

The best time to buy an antique, collectible, vintage treasure or in the case concrete garden statue is when you see it.


Restaurant china creamers and syrup pitchers are my collecting thing, and when priced under $5 call these sold!


A small print and a steamboat saucer rounded out my big haul.


Treasures Show and Tell Observation #4

Small finds can make big impacts in the grand decorating and color scheme of things.


Our summer statecation is in the rear view mirror, and I’m already checking rates and availability for a quick late fall getaway.

In the meantime it’s back to work, decorating ideas and the holidays are right around the corner plans.

In blog housekeeping news, I am currently in the middle of attempting to migrate my existing site to a new and improved cPanel hosting platform.

This, my friends, should be good.

Technical blah, blah, blah but necessary to keep things up to speed.

I’m about to lose my mind and my religion over this, but I’m determined to do this.

If I don’t break the site, Places In The Home will be back up running and loading lightening fast next week.

Have a lovely rest of the week.

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Show & Tell

Fetching Friday Feature Of Summer Sites Summer Spots Summer Scenes

A Fetching Friday feature of summer sites summer spots summer scenes.



2013 Ahmanson Cup Regatta Yacht Zapata II alt by D Ramey Logan

reflections- French RivieraReflections

amalfi coast positano

 Positano on the Amalfi Coast

Surfer_busSurfer Bus

summer-flowersAn Affair to Remember


Spring Creek

beach house

Down Under Beach Style

the-beach-boysThe Beach Boys

Kansas City Royals Summer Sites Summer Spots Summer Scenes

Kansas City Royals


Cocoa Beach 

Enjoy your summer Fetching Friday and weekend!

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Show & Tell

Vacation Observation and Summer Getaway Show and Tell

The traveling Places In The Home duo is home sweet home, and as much as I love a good getaway, there is no place like home.  Prior obligations and work schedules clipped our wings to a certain time extent, so our escape was of the closer to home statecation to North Louisiana variety. Making a vacation observation and sharing details of our summer getaway will be a two-parter with the first installment a celebration of the red, white and blue.


Vacation Observation #1

Don’t believe everything you read or hear about a decline in patriotism and the celebration of the American flag.  Seeing is believing, and on our statecation getaway we treated ourselves to a self guided tour of the Historic South Highlands neighborhood.


Architecturally magnificent on all fronts, the homes of the Historic South Highlands neighborhood happened to be decked out not only in detail, but in 4th of July-proud to be an American style and colors.  Here, let me show you.


I love the Southern comfort lives here ambiance and patriotic porch set for a red, white, and blue summer holiday.


Fairfield-home vacation observation

Vacation Observation #2

North Louisiana mirrors the landscape of East Tennessee (another favorite vacation getaway destination).  Tree-lined streets of the Historic South Highlands neighborhood wind and weave through a semi-hilly fashioned parkway.  Mark this corner cottage in a dreamy creamy shade of yellow as a model of southern charm.


Several squeals of glee pierced Dave’s eardrums, more than a few oohs and aahs perhaps became a few too many, and an insane amount of unabashed architectural envy dominated the evening’s conversation.

What can I say?

Architecture is my thing.


Towering pines and oaks shade the yards and boulevards.  Vintage street lights evoke nostalgia of days gone by.


Beauty, charm, and tradition lie in the details.


Curb appeal is a powerful calling card.


Impressive entry doors greet the eye and welcome step away from the ordinary style.


Vacation Observation #3

Architectural juxtaposition promotes a dramatic effect and a desirable address.

modern-architectural-detailsVacation Observation #4

An afternoon drive through a historic neighborhood between shopping destinations and dinner reservations inspired, confirmed and renewed. It’s not a day at the beach or one spent in the desert or the mountains, but it’s one of our favorite things to do at home or on vacation.  The food, the landscape, the architecture, the terrain, the dialect-you can learn so much from your travels.  Inspiration is everywhere.


Old Glory is once again displayed from the oak tree in the front yard of Places In The Home.  The tree is cosmetically worse for wear since the tornado, but is still the optimum spot for the flag to be displayed. Patriotism with flying colors is alive and well at Places In The Home. Happy 4th of July to all of you.  Celebrate in style and let freedom ring!

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Show & Tell

It’s That Summer Vacation Time of Year Again

Summer vacation let’s hit the holiday road getaway, treasure hunting, taste testing delicious cuisine, unplugging if only for a few days, reconnecting with Dave the Builder.  It’s that summer vacation time of year again.

summer vacation time

Vacation ~ Go Go’s 

All I ever wanted
Had to get away

Talk (type) to you next week.

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Show & Tell

Southern Hospitality: Please Join Us For A Bridal Shower

Happy midweek all!  Today, because I am a proud mama and weddings are all around, I thought I would bring you into The Places In The Home fold by sharing with you this photo gallery from the please join us for a bridal shower we hosted for our son and his lovely fiancée when they were home for our nephew’s wedding in May.  Seeing that the happy couple live in Canada, it is difficult to be live and in person for the showers and luncheons celebrating the couple.  Skype and FaceTime amaze me, but pales in comparison to actually being in attendance in the moment.  It didn’t take long for me to come up with the idea of throwing the couple a surprise bridal shower.

bridal shower

The future Mrs. is not only taken with our son, but with Fixer Upper, Waco, Chip and Joanna Gaines and Magnolia Market.  What better way to surprise a Southern farmhouse chic girl at heart than with an afternoon Southern farmhouse chic-Southern charm-Southern hospitality eat, drink and we’re getting married bridal shower.

Magnolia Market

Clear glass jars brimming with fragrant magnolias captured the farmhouse feel and lent a simple yet elegant touch.  When entertaining, I find it helpful to know your audience and to play to their taste.  The thought is in the decorating and entertaining details, and it’s that attention to detail that brings about a rave review.

southern magnolia flower

Faux flowers have their place, and in the bridal/wedding weekend celebration that place was inside an antique porcelain pitcher placed in the center of the dining room table.   I’ve been known to pre plan the s*%! out of a soiree or celebration.  Pre planning affords me the opportunity to find theme appropriate decor pieces and impressive dinner and drinkware at a price point that makes me very happy.

I always like that theme!

It also gives me time to shop sales and order items with plenty of shipping time to spare.  A case in point is the tulip bundles found on eBay.  You must allow at least three weeks for arrival when ordering from China, but the price savings makes it an appealing option.  The quality is apple to apple when comparing the faux tulip bunches to the ones I see in my retail rounds.

pink tulips

The bride-to-be admired the tulips several times over the course of their visit which pleased me to no end.  It was obvious the tulip bundles captured the essence of her preferred decorating style, and that signaled decorating success.

antique porcelain pitcher

Crochet doilies and lace napkins dressed the table in vintage style.

vintage crochet

Tulle is my gift wrap ribbon and bow material of choice.

blue tulle

Tying the knot in white wedding and something blue tones is simple in theory, beautiful in delivery.

bridal shower gift

wedding gifts

Gifts for a newlywed kitchen filled with love.

vintage ladies handkerchiefBride

Vintage handkerchiefs make lovely wedding and bridal gifts, and my almost daily Etsy search for just the right one for each recipient became second nature.  I purchased vintage monogrammed handkerchiefs for the bride and groom-to-be, her mother, and each member of the bridal party- a to/from gift from me and Dave the Builder.  I also purchased vintage monogrammed handkerchiefs for my nephew, his bride, his brother who was his best man, and for my brother- the father of the groom.  Did I forget anyone?

mens handkerchiefGroom

We began the bridal shower nibble and nosh with a cheese board featuring several cheeses, fresh Louisiana strawberries, blueberries, fruit dip, mixed nuts, dried cranberries, dates and figs.  The future groom loves my chicken salad so chicken salad it is.  I served the chicken salad with a tropical fruit salad garnished with avocado slices, Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey.  We also dined on a true Southern favorite, buttermilk biscuits and honey ham sandwiches.  I made a mayonnaise and Dijon mustard dressing to go with the sandwiches.  The beverage station featured water with lemon slices, raspberry tea, almond peach tea, Riesling and Merlot wine.

white wedding cake

For dessert, we decided to surprise the couple with a cake in true bridal shower fashion.  The cake decorator and I got together and came up with an abbreviated version of the above wedding cake.  The icing color was a soft shade of ivory and the cake decorator suggested a “bouquet” of roses to top it off.  Dave the Builder thought the silver wedding bands added a nice touch, and the monogrammed cake topper was an on trend accent.

cutting cake

It’s become somewhat of a tradition to give each bride and groom in the Places In The Home family a heirloom silver sugar spoon as a wedding gift.  To this we added a silver-plated wedding cake server set and the monogram wedding cake topper to complete the gift package.

wedding cake server set

The bridal shower was a big surprise and a big hit.  Our son finally figured out why I kept insisting he bring an extra suitcase with him. The extra baggage fee charge is a bargain compared to what it cost to ship items from the US to Canada.  I was informed the Kate Spade cutting boards were used the night they arrived back to Canada.

That’s all the thank you needed.

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Show & Tell