Good Ole Signs It’s Summer

Although not official by the calendar, good ole signs it’s summer have arrived in full glory at Places In The Home.


Louisiana is heating up, fresh fruit and vegetable stands are open for farm to table business, and outdoor living fun in the sun and moonlight activities are on tap.


Signs it’s summer cover anything and everything garden fresh, easy, fun, cool, colorful, aromatic, sweet, savory, relaxing, leisurely, kick your shoes off and stay awhile comfy.


In other words, delightfully perfect.


This is the time of year when I give myself permission to go with the flow.


Entertaining is super casual in nature, meals focus on fresh seasonal ingredients, music is a must, shoes are optional, and time is nothing more than a word.


Visits to the farmers market result in an every so often summer breakfast feast treat of fresh farm eggs fried with crisp edges, homemade biscuits, and pear and lemon preserves made from my great-grandmother’s recipe.


Zinnias capture the essence of summer; a simple yet elegant choice of color your world beauty perfect in gathered bouquet or tabletop arrangement form.


Roberson Farm – USDA Photo by Preston Keres

Grandmother Willie’s pound cake is delicious any season of the year, but there’s something about a slice (or two) of this cake baked from the “Tennessee side of the family” recipe on a summer day that brings the flavor and the memories to plate and mind.


Willie’s pound cake paired with fresh Louisiana strawberries is summer on a plate.


Following antiques and vintage shops on Facebook opens up the treasure hunt world, and gives me the perfect excuse to hit the road in pursuit of antiques and vintage picnic treasures.


Tattered Tiques

Speaking of day trips, outdoor sales and festivals go with hot fun and cool finds in the summertime.

Summer find spotted at a recent Antique Shoppes at 1100 Barksdale outdoor sale.

Love this beverage dispenser!


Antique Shoppes At 1100 Barksdale

Antique pieces love taking center stage on the summer porch, patio, deck, terrace, balcony, veranda- you get the point.

Seize the summer of it all with fabulous-vintage-patriotic-seasonal decor accents that bring a unique and inviting spin to summer porchin’ style.


Cottages & Bungalows Magazine

Spending Sunday afternoon pulling a few things from here and there to put together a summer themed vignette proved super successful.

baseball players

I discovered these old photos of my Dad in the good old summertime down Miami way circa 1951.

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet instantly comes to mind.


Beach scenes and pink umbrellas top the signs it’s summer list.

Business & Pleasure

Grilled goodies and chilled salads attest to the easy to throw together and easy to enjoy summer salad season.

pimento-grilled-corn-recipe-BHG-photo-Annie-Schlechter (1)

Grilled Corn with Pimiento-Cheese Butter Recipe – Photo by Annie Schlechter

Give me a box of pasta shells, a jar of Duke’s mayonnaise, fresh corn and tomatoes, diced bell peppers, green and red onions, and fine black pepper and I’ll give you a no fuss-all flavor summer salad.


Remember the rule of kiss- keep it summer simple!

signs it's summer

Patio times go with warm days and sipping evenings, and signal the senses the good kind of hurricane season has arrived.


Hurricane at Pat O’Briens New Orleans

June 1st signals the not so good hurricane season has arrived.

Fingers crossed this season will be uneventful.


Into every summer day a little rain usually will fall, however, we get used to the summer downpours bookended by humid sunbursts.


June through August is made for hitting the summer holiday road.


Visit Gatlinburg

For most of my life the quintessential sign it’s summer has been packing up the Places In The Home gang and heading 700+ miles due east.

Our vacation travel destination GPS is set to family, friends, and the beauty and splendor of the Great Smoky Mountains.


Over the years, I’ve clocked what seems to be thousand of hours sitting outside at twilight in the Smoky Mountain air.

Fireflies provide nature’s light show – a summer spectacle that dazzles the eye and delights the heart.


It’s 84 degrees today, rainy, and humid beyond belief.

My summer playlist is cranked up, and a glass of cold mint infused sweet iced tea is the drink du jour.

Good ole signs it’s summer.


Treasure Found Running Fall Roads

Running fall roads in the literal sense is not a part of my workout routine.

I prefer to burn calories and run up the pedometer by running fall roads in search of seasonal and holiday decor pieces to pull the fall~Thanksgiving decorating theme beautifully together.

running fall roadsElle Decor 

You’d be surprised how many steps you take walking around antiques malls, curiosity shops, and the local pumpkin patch.


Getting into the spirit of Halloween and Thanksgiving decorating when the crisp fall temps and colors continue to elude Central Louisiana is challenging.

Are you seeing and feeling the fall of it all in your corner of the world?


I spent the better part of last weekend scrolling through ebay and Etsy listings in search of a vintage James Keiller & Son’s Dundee Marmalade crock and other vintage items currently on my wishlist.

I absolutely hate when a seller lists an item with a decent price only to make up an insane profit difference by charging a ridiculous amount for shipping.

Dismayed, I gave up the online search and set my sights on visiting two new shops on the local scene.


I set the alarm for a crack of dawn a.m. ready to roll wake-up call.

The weather was set to nasty; the effects of Hurricane Nate in the air.

I was armed with short sleeves and an umbrella.

Where is this fall season you speak of?


The first shop was booming, loaded with merchandise, and one I will return to.

I did not know I was in the market for a vintage Jergens lotion bottle, but when I saw it I just had to have it.

That happens a lot in my antiques and vintage shopping.


Our nephew and his wife became first time parents in August.

With that in mind, I snapped this pic, added a couple of special effects in PicMonkey, and sent it to the parents of Wyatt James.


Not long into my shopping excursion at the second shop, I scored big time.

Listening to good music and chatting with fellow treasure hunters,  I was in the zone.

I noticed a small booth full of glassware and whatnots.

I think my heart skipped a beat when I spotted the vintage James Keiller & Son’s Dundee Marmalade crock.

The thrill was in the find, but the deal was in the price.


It’s hard for me to resist adding to my pitcher collection.

Fifteen minutes in and I had already found two fabulous pieces.

That’s a good sign when you are treasure hunting.


I’m always on the lookout for small decorative bowls to use as jewelry and lipstick holders.

I liked the pattern and colors of this porcelain shaker enough to add it to the shelf for use as a loose face powder shaker.


A gallery wall can never have enough small framed prints upon it.


Holiday menu planning and recipe developing means staging appetizing and appealing settings for show and tell photos.


Assorted ironstone plates, a brown and white Staffordshire vegetable bowl, and an ooh la la set of salt and pepper shakers are categorized as a must.


In anticipation of the upcoming holiday shopping season, our regional chamber of commerce is running a new promotional campaign inviting residents to shop local.

After this successful treasures found running fall roads shopping excursion, that won’t be a problem.

love your style

Enlightening Articles-Tips-Snippets of Information

Tom Petty knows exactly what he’s talking about when he sings the waiting is the hardest part.  Waiting, especially in a hospital situation, requires a vast amount of patience and a variety of good reading material. I’m what you would call a student of the old school- a scholar of if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it studies.  In other words, I decided to read a print magazine instead of pulling up a digital edition on my tablet.  I spied a couple of shelter magazines of house and home interest in the rack – some with current cover dates, and some not so current.  Enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information beneficial to all things house that make a home will always make for a good read, regardless of cover date.  I look at it as an interior design, decorating, home decor accessories, antiques and how to score the best of the best refresher course.

Articles-Tips-Snippets of Information

The first article of interest gave the reader tips for successful flea market, garage and estate sale shopping.  Everyone has their own way of treasure hunting, but there is a proven core strategy.  In the world of antique auctions, flea markets and estate sales, the preview is the time to get your deals and steals game on.  Dave the Builder and I split up; a divide and conquer technique that works for us.

Pop-up_flea-market,_ParisPop-up Flea Market ~ Paris

I keep a notebook and pen in hand for taking notes from everything to lot number to condition to dealer location to asking price to this is my absolute bottom bottom line price offer, bid etc…

Dave takes close up pictures with his cellphone of the pieces he is interested in to further examine for imperfections before bidding begins. The deal can be found in the imperfection only if you can do the repair, refinish or reupholster yourself or hire out for little out of pocket money.

antique-linen-pressGallery Auctions

Auction houses stack items tight and tall in dark spaces and corners to utilize floor space.  A crowded house or stacked to the walls booth translates to scores of salable merchandise.  For this reason we bring his and hers flashlights so we don’t overlook a fracture or fine-line crack.

Brooklyn Flea Market

Brooklyn Flea  Fort Greene  ~  Pinterest

Dealers at flea markets, estate and garage sales begin to discount unsold items later in the sale which can work to a buyer’s advantage.  Larger ticket items can be worth the risk of playing the waiting game.  I’ve scored several pieces for a steal, and missed out on some too.  It’s strictly depends on the item and nerves of “steal”.

It’s basically an in the moment call.


Now let me share with you another enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information gem stemming from the magazine article my mother read while keeping me company in the hospital waiting room.  Our recent coffee talk conversation went a little something like this:

My mother:  “Sister, what is WTF?”

Me:  “An acronym for Where’s the Food.”


It took me about three seconds to realize I’d better tell her what WTF really means.  Leaving her in the dark depths of millennial slang, risking her repeating to her beauty shop cohorts and the ladies that lunch loyal what she thinks is simply a hip colloquial term would be irresponsible on my part.  Funny, but irresponsible.

Me: “Mother, WTF is slang for What the F***.”

I was curious why she wanted to know what WTF means, so I did what any respectable curious and/or noisy person does.  I asked.

Me: “Mother, why do you want to know what WTF means?”

My mother:  “When Dave was in the hospital and we were in the waiting room, I was reading in a magazine (she can’t remember the name of the magazine, but she can remember WTF) a story about a woman catching her tweenage daughter texting WTF.  The woman asked her daughter what WTF means.  “With the Family,” replied the fast thinking tween.

Paris, FrancePinterest

Fast forward several months to when the woman, a newbie to Facebook and the speak, slang, and acronyms of social media, posted an update from their family vacation to Paris.  Surprised by the amount of likes her post received, she shared the development with her tween daughter.  The daughter asked the mom what she was posting vis-à-vis the vacation. “In Paris WTF.”

Me:  Well, now you know.

We’re headed back to the hospital next week for more tests, more waiting, more reading.  I think I’ll bring a few of the shelter magazines from my 2017 stack to donate to the cardiac unit waiting room reading material collection.  A good read passes the time, enlightening articles-tips-snippets of information are always appreciated, and a good laugh lightens the mood.  As they say, laughter often is the best medicine.

love your style






Christmas Past: Vintage Christmas Memories

Vintage Christmas memories from Christmas past have a very special place in the hearts of many a kid at this time of year.

Cleveland_at_ChristmasCleveland at Christmas

Remember the excitement of a fully holiday stocked Western Auto showroom?



It almost measured up to the thrill of the sight of the local department stores windows.


Victorian Christmas – Toy Shop Window

Downtown streets decorated with overhead greenery swags decked to the holiday max in traditional red and green thrilled the eye and hit the holiday high notes.

 Christmas Town Scene with Children Playing in Snow

Christmas Town Scene with Children Playing in Snow

Anticipation began to hit a fever pitch toward the last of October with  Halloween excitement and the Sears Christmas Book catalog soon to be in a mailbox near you.

sears-1969-christmas-wish-book-coverAirplanes and Rockets

If I had a nickel for every hour spent combing the pages, making a list, and checking it twice…


Hard candy, the shiny aluminum Christmas tree, color wheel and glass ornaments, and an extensive collection of inexpensive dime store decorations adorned my grandmother’s den and living room in holiday wonder as only a grandmothers den and living room could.



Vintage Christmas Memories

Our local television station gifted our community a version of  must see holiday TV each weekday afternoon between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, complete with letters from Santa and his magic telescope made for watching good boys and girls.


Being a true believer, I was totally convinced he could see every move my brother and I made.


Norman Rockwell “Is He Coming?”

Our late November to late December behavior reflected that theory much to the delight of our parents.


Weekly visits to the local shopping center to visit with Santa ranked high on my lists of priorities.


Photo by Annie Spratt 

Under the Christmas tree with a Suzy Homemaker stove was in my sights.


Click Americana

As you can see in the picture below, my Christmas wish list dreams came true.


 Do you remember?


A Most Fetching Friday 10 Crystal Chandeliers

This Fetching Friday 10 crystal chandeliers shines a light on sparkling, brilliant and elegant statement lighting.




adjective: fetching


synonyms: attractive, appealing, sweet, pretty, good-looking, lovely, delightful, charming, prepossessing, captivating, enchanting, irresistible

ff-white-pitcherslightinfRaised in Cotton – REstyle Source

ff-Vanderbilt-CrystoramaCrystorama glamorama


fetching Friday 10 EbanistaEbanista- the first name in details.

fetching Friday 10 crystal chandeliers

crystal-chandelier-Ralph-Lauren-HomeRalph Lauren Home

crystal-flea-market-findFlea Market Style featured in Better Homes and Gardens

I hope yours is a most fetching Friday.

Love your style!