Currently Catching My Eye

Sourcing and sightings of home decor accents is all in a day’s work and I love it!

When I started Places In The Home my objective was simple: to design an all things house that make a home show and tell, a sharing collective of knowledge and experience of interior decorating, home furnishings, decorative accents, home decor where to finds and gotta have it lists.

Four years later, I continue to be excited and inspired to show and tell you about items currently catching my eye.

Serena and LilySerena and Lily via Domino

The Riviera stool from Serena and Lily is currently catching my eye in a big way.

Great choice for a statement piece desk chair.

chart-house-sloane-3-light-shop-light-3-light-linear-island-pendantDuneier Design via DecorPad

The lines, pattern and form of the Riviera stool delivers style at work and style at home.


J. R. Watkins Coconut Room Freshener smells like summer at the beach.

A spritz or two of this tropical delight coconut scented room freshener is all it takes to infuse the space with a light coconut scent so refreshing you’ll be inclined to light the Tiki torches, turn up the calypso music and whip up a blender full of Piña Coladas.

I am coconuts for this stuff!


Seaside-inspired and stylish storage approved.

I am “digging” this Conch Magazine Basket from Birch Lane.

chest-brass-corner-brace-hardwareGlitter Guide

D I Why yes, I can do this!

Three or four drawer chests are just a thrift store, flea market or curbside boutique visit away.

 For the retail fortunate, check out your nearest IKEA and the Rast 3 drawer chest.  At $34.99 + tax  it’s a bargain.

For the rest of us, I say add this baby into your online shopping cart and justify the shipping cost with my logic.

I couldn’t drive to Houston (closet IKEA) for $10 (the shipping cost).

Makes cent$.

Decorative hardware dresses the look, and a couple of coats of black paint adds the essential touch of drama.



Now comes the disclosure portion of this post.

Disclosure: As it in life and disclosure policy compliance with FTC rules, honesty is the best policy. This post contains affiliate links. If you click on one of the product links and make a purchase from the retailer, I receive a commission from the sale. To read the entire policy in full (fun, fun) please read my disclosure page.

Blue and white porcelain is classic chic.

Eye spy these Tang blue and white salt and pepper shakers as a summer soiree hostess gift idea.

blue-white-salt-pepper-shakersPier 1

May I suggest for your summer reading pleasure.


Currently Catching My Eye

currently catching my eye

love signature


Louisiana Distinctive Style and Taste Odyssey

Unique best describes our boot-shaped state, as Louisiana excels at taking the senses on a distinctive style and taste odyssey.


Telltale (or should I say tell tail) signs of the Louisiana influence is evident upon tables, walls, and plates, and vice versa.

Tray Top Figurine End Table

Tray Top Figurine End Table


SAFAVIEH Hidden Treasures Black Mirrored Glass Gold Accent Table

Antique Gold Crocodile Sculpture

Antique Gold Crocodile Sculpture


Distressed White Round Mango Wood Coffee Table with Subtle Grains


Mira 6-Light Handwoven Linear Large Island Light Boho Chandelier


Coastal Table Lamp – Conch Body

SAFAVIEH Lighting 27-inch Lindsey Cream Table Lamp

SAFAVIEH Lighting 27-inch Lindsey Cream Table Lamp


A&B Home Wall Mounted Mirror with Round Gold Metal Frame

Hooker Furniture 7228-75013-80 Seaside 57" Wide Oak Sideboard

Hooker Furniture Seaside 57″ Wide Oak Sideboard

Home Décor Brushstrokes Indoor only Abstract Area Rug

Home Decor Brushstrokes Indoor only Abstract Area Rug

Graceful Indoor Abstract Area Rug

Graceful Indoor Abstract Area Rug


Arini Coastal 3-drawer Wood Bedroom Nightstand

Good taste through decor and plate is native to our Louisiana lagniappe appeal.

fried-alligator-CochonCochon’s Fried Alligator with Chili Garlic Mayonnaise


Gallery walls adorned in details and turtle shells inspire the palette of color and the palate of taste.

Turtle Shell Decoration

Straight from page 71 in the 1967 edition of the Talk About Good cookbook by members of the Lafayette Junior League, their relatives and friends is Mrs. Helen M. Hayes Turtle Soup II recipe.

talk about good cookbook

Talk about good!

talk-about-good-cook-book-turtle-soup-recipeTurtle Soup II  Monteleone

sea-creature-casserole (1)


Paint colors names spices a Louisiana flavored color palette takes the eye on a distinctive style and taste odyssey.

seafood-paint-colors1Cajun Shrimp ~ Lemon Twist ~ Sea Salt

Salted Roasted Shrimp


3  cups kosher salt

2  pounds head-on unpeeled large shrimp

Lemon wedges


Preheat oven to 400°.  On a large rimmed baking sheet, add salt in an even layer.  Bake 10 minutes.  Remove ½ cup salt and reserve.  Arrange shrimp evenly over hot salt; sprinkle with ½ cup reserved hot salt.

Cover tightly with foil.  Bake just until shrimp turn pink, 6 to 8 minutes. Discard excess salt.  Place shrimp on a serving platter; squeeze lemon over shrimp.

Louisiana Cookin’

C’est si bon!


Freshening Things Up: The Decorative Oomph

The decorative oomph, the parallels between writing about interior design and decorating, and working with interior design and decorating isn’t as different as you may think.


At least four times a year I go back into the blog dashboard and select blocks of posts to reread for the sake of relevancy. Images and sources aka the accent pieces of the post are what’s up for creative and decorating reconsideration.

Freshening things up applies to all areas of design and decor.

When you get down to it, do we, as decoristas, ever really place the period at the end of the design and decorating sentence? A comma perhaps, but never a period.

New seasons and phases of decorating life bring about new ideas and arrangements.

If interior design, decorating, and fashion magazines churned outdated and tired information it would be time to cancel the subscription.

My mother-in-law taught by example the importance of rearranging, re-positioning, and refreshing the look of a space in order to achieve a very important element of design and decorating, the decorative oomph.

the decorative oomph

“It is always the simple
that produces the marvelous.”

—Amelia Barr

Now, I’m not suggesting a costly and/or timely undertaking.  What I’m talking about is applying the principle of musical chairs.

There are several definitions for the term, and the confusing, rapid and all over the place definition does not apply here.

What I’m referring to is this:

musical chairs


• a series of changes or exchanges of position

An affordable solution to the decorative doldrums is to rearrange and redistribute items.

Some of my best moves, decoratively speaking, have come about from actually sitting still long enough in the space and studying the entire contents of the room.

Sit down.

Look at the accents, art, accessories, etc…

Identify decorative accents ripe for the let’s move this to another spot picking.

Do you notice the decorative oomph?


There’s not a single one of us who hasn’t moved this over here and that over there at one time or another, often with a “that looks so much better there” result- better known as design and decorating V8 moments.


Antiques auctions provided Hopefully Classic and Places In The Home with a rotating inventory. There was a whole lot of updating going on at the shop and at the house.

Good and stylish times.

Like a moth to a flame, my eyes and bid card would lock on decorative lamps in need of TLC- total lighting care.


Rewired and ready for double decorative duty as part accent, part task lighting, these double socket treasures would be fitted with one soft white light bulb and one soft pink light bulb.

The result is visually pleasing and creates a surprisingly balanced look- the decorative oomph.



Is this piece new?

No.  It was in the __________.

As a frequent player of the musical home decor game, I have been asked that question or a variation of it a couple of hundred times.

It seems the biggest decorative impact is made when I move art around.

FARRAGOZ gold art


A quick rearrange of a gallery grouping or swap around is as near an instant response of is that new that I can guarantee.

Art Print Blue Interior 9x12 on 11x14 - Blue Chairs by David Lloyd

Art Print Blue Interior – Blue Chairs by David Lloyd

Behind almost every piece of art in this house is a positive testimony to the wonder of nail hole filler.

Works like a charm!

Incorporate the decorative oomph into a space by executing a series of changes or exchanges of position.

It’s a great way to rejuvenate the look, feel and personality of the space, and an easy way to balance the scales of space and design on a dime.


Focal Potential: A DIY Light Fixture Project

Necessity and sticker shock is the mother of all DIY projects.  If I search for an item and either can’t locate it or can’t bring myself to shell out $$$$ in order to make it mine a DIY light fixture project is in the making.  At times I succeed with the project, other times I exceed all expectations, and plenty of times it fails miserably. I’m rolling the dice on this one.

DIY light fixture project

Italian scroll chandeliers cause inspiration to tug at the creative part of my brain. The fixture style is lovely and wildly popular, but the sticker shock gives pause. Ouch!  Truth be told, the drops and the finial are the true eye catchers of the piece. A quick search landed me in a more affordable neighborhood. Gorgeous hand painted chandelier drops from Aidan Gray and a Tara Shaw Italian gilded tassel finial from Layla Grayce will be added to the shopping cart if this “eye”dea of mine falls flat. Here’s what I’m thinking~

Williamsburg chandelier

The crystal chandelier is pretty much pristine sans burned out bulb.  I found the fixture on eBay six years ago thinking it would be perfect for a client. When it arrived I immediately knew it was staying out of inventory.  It’s moving to the dining room.

foyer light fixture

The 12 light Williamsburg chandelier is an inherited left over from the original dining room design.  I added the shades last year with pleasing decorative success, but talk about further darkening the room. Personally I love it, but my camera and aging eyes hate the thing. I’ve studied and studied the fixture with a modifying intent. Paint it?  No. Lose the shades?  No.  Move it to the foyer?  Yes! That’s a start, but I want more for this chandelier.

decorative wood finial

We measured the clearance in the foyer noting the links would have to be removed to eliminate any head to fixture contact.  Hurdle #1 cleared. I’ve Googled till I can Google no more with very limited success in locating wooden carved chandelier drops. I asked Dave the Builder if he could channel his inner MacGyver to come up with an idea for the chandelier drops and decorative finial. How about…

chandelier parts

Dave found these craft finials at Lowe’s.  The mixed Oak craft finial (top left) is $2.98 and the Early American table leg (bottom right) is $1.48.

Okay, the upfront cost is minimal.

The plan is to create drops out of the table legs by removing the screws with vise-grip pliers, replacing with cup holder hooks, and staining with an umber or antique bronze to create the desired finish.  A distressed effect is also under consideration.  The craft finial will replace the center ring.  We will retrofit it with a new screw to match the opening size of the chandelier, screw it in, and hope it fulfills my decorative dreams.

It’s well worth the try.

Design Show and Tell

A wonderful opportunity and prospective client may be in my future. It is crazy busy, crazy beautiful at Places In The Home, and I’m loving every minute of it- multitasker extraordinaire that I am.

The world of interior design and home decor is a beautiful place to resource in.

With swatches, fan decks, caffeine  patience, eye drops, and Tylenol keeping me company,  the moodboards and mock-ups featuring dining room tables and chairs are under design and decor construction.

Dave the Builder knows it serious when I break out my readers.

Love the world wide web contacts and convenience, but  computer time wreaks havoc with my eyes!

Anywho, the original concept for this blog remains near and dear to my heart- a design show and tell.

dining room tables and chairs

Be steel my heart!

On trend for 2013 is the mix and match styles of dining room tables and chairs.

I discovered the decorative and design impact of this one afternoon at Hopefully Classic, details here.

This option may not fly with the client(s), but I’m considering  these metal dining chairs from Masins Furniture Classics Metal Collection.

Masins Furniture metal chair

I have a vintage china cabinet with double arch pediment in storage that is a candidate for an update in the style of this Thomas bookcase in dark grey with antique pearl grey inside from Blanc d’Ivoire.

gray bookcase

The beautiful thing about sourcing for potential projects is I never get bored with it,  regardless of the outcome.

Keep plugging, keep sourcing, keep stylish, and keep beautiful- the mix and match of life and design.

I’ll share more later of this design show and tell project.

Home Decor Memories Under The Big Top Of The Piccadilly Circus

I hail from the land of Steel Magnolias, Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood, grand interiors and impeccable tastes.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then I have flattered with the best of them.

In my attempts to recreate the glory of fine, whimsical and vintage interiors, I have found I like home decor memories and keepsakes weaved throughout my decor.

It’s a nice way to incorporate the wonder times of my childhood, friendships, travels, and family.

Steel Magnolias

I’m neither a Southern Belle nor Hollywood’s interpretation of one.  What I am is an appreciator of tasteful objects that take me to a place in my life timeline as I pass by, place around and prize them.


My mother, a true Southern Belle with a nth degree black belt in retail, is of the firm belief shopping and lunch go together like Visa and MasterCard.

My brother and I were not particularly thrilled to see this idea of a circus come to town.

The brand of circus I speak of was the weekly ritual of lunching and marathon shopping at “the Village.”

The Village was the largest shopping center in town and the epicenter of early nineteen seventies shopping.

venetian-carnival-mole-by-scalamandreCarnival by Scalamandre

When I can’t sleep there is no sheep counting for my inner insomniac.  I think back and place the shops in their rightful storefronts circa nineteen seventy something.

Works every time!

Fast forward to today’s Village where all that is left of yesterday’s retail offerings is one national chain grocery store and a family favorite, Piccadilly Cafeteria.

I believe I have spent a collective decade of my life at the Piccadilly.  When you are the only kid on the culinary block it just works out that way.

With frequent visits came a strange familiarity with the surroundings.  My parents viewed after dinner visiting with fellow diners, local friends and dignitaries as the final course of the meal.

As my childhood patience was tested, I would stare at the chandeliers, grandfather clock, draperies and paintings in the dining area for what seemed hours.

cattle oil painting

I always loved the gold gilt framed oil painting of cows that graced the wall of the dining room with its larger than life presence.

Some years later the exterior of the cafeteria was remodeled, and the addition of eight large decorative pineapples found a new home atop the cafeteria’s exterior pillars.

Word spread fast throughout the community of the Piccadilly renovation and liquidation sale of interior and exterior decorative goods.

 My checkbook, my brother and my memories headed to the Village faster than you could say dilly plate.


The beautiful oil painting proudly hangs over the master sitting room fireplace in my brother’s home, and the “Piccadilly Pineapple” graces our kitchen dining area.

The pineapple is a symbol of hospitality, and goodness knows the Piccadilly served up enough of it over the years to my family.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…

A memorable memento from where we’ve been, what we’ve seen, and who we are celebrates us and brings it all home.